
List available drops

Death Knight Death Gorgon Balrog
Great Bahamut Silver Valkyrie Lizard King
Mutant Bloody Wolf Iron Wheel Death Beam Knight
Ax Warrior Bloody Wolf Mega Crust Death Angel 4
Beam Knight Drakan
Alquamos Mega Crust Alpha Crust Phantom Knight
Great Drakan
Chief Skeleton Warrior 3 Chief Skeleton Archer 3 Dark Skull Soldier 3 Giant Ogre 3
Red Skeleton Knight 3 Magic Skeleton 3
Illusion of Kundun2
Death Centurion3 Schriker3
Aegis4 Rogue Centurion4 Blood Soldier4 Death Angel 4
Necron4 Schriker4 Illusion of Kundun4
Aegis5 Death Angel5 Necron5 Death Centurion5
Aegis6 Rogue Centurion6 Blood Soldier6 Death Angel6
Ax Warrior Lizard Warrior Queen Bee Fire Golem
Ax Warrior Bloody Wolf Mega Crust Death Angel 4
Beam Knight Drakan
Death Tree Forest Orc Death Rider Witch Queen
Hell Maine
Hammer Scout Lance Scout Bow Scout
Splinter Wolf Blade Hunter Kentauros Gigantis
Berserker Genocider
Death Knight Death Gorgon Balrog Great Bahamut
Silver Valkyrie Lizard King Mutant Bloody Wolf
Iron Wheel Beam Knight Death Beam Knight Death Tree
Forest Orc Death Rider Witch Queen Hell Maine
Alquamos Mega Crust Drakan Alpha Crust
Phantom Knight Great Drakan Splinter Wolf Blade Hunter
Kentauros Gigantis Berserker Genocider
Illusion of Kundun2 Death Centurion3 Schriker3 Aegis4
Rogue Centurion4 Blood Soldier4 Death Angel 4 Necron4
Schriker4 Illusion of Kundun4 Aegis5 Death Angel5
Necron5 Death Centurion5 Schriker5 Aegis6
Rogue Centurion6 Blood Soldier6 Death Angel6 Ax Warrior
Lizard Warrior Queen Bee Fire Golem Sapi-Unus
Sapi-Duo Thunder Napin Shadow Pawn Shadow Knight
Sapi-Tres Shadow Look Ice Walker Zombie Fighter
Resurrected Gladiator Ash Slaughterer Venomous Chain Scorpion Bone Scorpion
Orcus Devil Fairy Elemental Beast Elemental Knight
Ubaid Devilfairy Ubaid Elemental Beast Ubaid Elemental Knight Debenter Devilfairy
Hammer Scout Lance Scout Bow Scout Chief Skeleton Warrior 3
Chief Skeleton Archer 3 Dark Skull Soldier 3 Giant Ogre 3 Red Skeleton Knight 3
Magic Skeleton 3
Sapi-Unus Sapi-Duo Thunder Napin Shadow Pawn
Shadow Knight Sapi-Tres Shadow Look
Ice Walker
Zombie Fighter Resurrected Gladiator Ash Slaughterer
Venomous Chain Scorpion Bone Scorpion Orcus
Devil Fairy Elemental Beast Elemental Knight Ubaid Devilfairy
Ubaid Elemental Beast Ubaid Elemental Knight
Debenter Devilfairy
(Elite) Temple Gargoyle